Business Management programs are precisely developed for Professionals and Entrepreneurs who want to increase their knowledge, skills and attitude in core business topics. All programs are practice-oriented and designed to meet your specific needs in real life situations and cover all main business segments - Finance, HR, Marketing, Operations, Logistics, Customers. They can also help you to improve your communication and organizational skills, effectiveness, self awareness and motivation, how to lead better your team and how to be successful in times of changes and in a highly dynamic environment. All programs can be provided in classroom format or online, individual or on groups - depending on your personal preferences. With Betalive KPIs™ Management Platform, Betalive™ Time Management Platform and Betalive™ Projects Management Platform you can see the application of the acquired knowledge and track your staff performance in real time.
Business. Sales. Training Solutions.

We can provide you with benchmark innovative Training Management solutions. We work in parallel with your Staff and with your Managers in order to deliver an integrated process of learning. We can provide blended solutions: Instructor led or in Digital Format via e-Learning, Video Training and Online Training. We can make concept and realization of specific Training Programs that can be used for the basis of your success. Betalive™ Training Management Platform, Betalive™ Assessment Management Platform and Betalive™ Goals Management Platform can help you to improve significantly the performance of your team, can optimize your budget and time and focus your efforts exactly where it is needed. In this way you can reach a certain level that can be improved and developed, and most important - by having unbiased Reporting & Analysis, we help you to see the whole picture at a glance and to take the right decisions.
• Complex training solutions: instructor-led, online, video.
• Location of all training materials in one place.
• Clear definition and standardization of activities in the training process in order to improve it.
• Clear definition and traceability of training provision activities.
• Continuing the involvement of managers in the training process.
• Different rights for access levels in the training platform.
• Possibility to prepare an annual training program.
• Effectiveness in terms of training costs and time.
• Significant improvement in the effectiveness of learning material.
• Detailed evaluation of the results of conducted training tests in real time.
• Possibility of comparative analysis at different levels and by key indicators for the educational process.
• Highlighting inefficient processes and uncovering opportunities for growth.
• Convert vast amounts of information into charts and graphs that clearly illustrate trends and help model possible outcomes.
• Improve planning and coordination between individual users.
• Improve communication and collaboration as employees can check the activity of other users to guide their own decisions.
• Minimizing administration.
• Opportunities to work without limitations in terms of time, locations and number of users.

• Training Materials Module
• Video Training Module
• Online Training Module
• Training Section Module
• Training Themes Module
• Training Sections Generation Module
• Training Calendar Module
• Training Feedback Module
• Training Certificates Generation Module
• Issued Training Certificates Module

• Assessment Results Module
• Tests Questions Module
• Tests Questions Checking Module
• Tests Generation Module
• Tests Assignment Module
• Assessment Reports Module

• Goals Names Module
• Goals Data Module
• Goals Results Module
• Goals Fulfillment Module
• Goals Ranking Module
• Goals Reporting Module
Unified format of the materials for more efficient perception and memorization: Short files with the main technical characteristics and advantages of the products and working processes.
Video training materials: Short videos, showing the actual application of the products or stages in the working processes. Short videos are the best form of learning and memorization.
Individualization: Arranging the materials in the Training Platform according to the needs and priorities.
Access to materials by each employee 24/7.
Access to materials without restrictions on location or device.
Easy process of updating and managing training materials.
• The development and implementation of a comprehensive training model would increase the qualification and motivation of employees, which in turn would lead to improved business results and a direct advantage over major competitors.
• Need for a complete synchronized process of employee training management.
• Need for development of a system for increasing the technical knowledge of the offered product range or the production processes.
• Need for development of the professional knowledge and skills - sales, managerial, business, behavioral.
• Need for development of a system of training materials - by business categories and by products - training presentations, videos, etc.
• Emphasis on individual training and development needs for each employee individually.
• Opportunity for implementation of different formats of training - physical, video and online.
• Opportunity for professional preparation of Training Managers and Experts or outsourcing of such.
• Opportunity for implementation the latest technologies in the training process - Digital Training Platform - automates the training process, test assessment and detailed reporting and analysis of the results.
• Opportunity for development of a system for complex evaluation of the performance of each employee on a quarterly and annual basis.
• Analysis and Trends
• Initial Interviews
• Site Visits
• Assessment Centers
• Alternative Assessment
• Model Planning
• KPIs Setting
• Digital Platform Setting
• Content Management
• Model Implementation
• Face-to-face Training
• Video Training
• Online Training
• Management Training Programs
• Standards Training Programs
• Sales Programs
• Sales Staff Training
• Sales Mangers Training
• Sales Training On-the-job
• Motivational Programs
• Processes Monitoring
• Complex Evaluation System
• Reporting System
• Analysis System
• Development Plan

Pre assessment process to outpoint the strengths and the gaps where to focus our training courses.
Post training assessment to measure courses effectiveness and individual capabilities.
Automatic report generation with recommendations for development.
Adapt learning process to better match each individual needs or goals.

Selection of measurable indicators for performance evaluation.
Selection of Quantitative and Qualitative goals.
Preparation of a system for formation of smart goals (monthly, quarterly, yearly).
Defining the weight of each goal in the overall assessment.
Defining levels for implementation and evaluation for each specific goal.
Detailed reporting of the fulfillment versus the average result for the company, department or area in order to improve the individual performance.
Ranking of the results by areas or departments employees as an device for internal development.